Who We Help

Tree Of Life Serves Orphans and Widows in Emerging Countries

Our approach to sponsorship:

Imagine facing the world’s challenges alone and struggling to find food, water, shelter, and education. This is the reality for countless orphans and widows in emerging countries. We strive to empower both the individual as well as community needs.

We have “collective” sponsorship model for orphans, widows and the community as a whole.

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TOL offers a collective sponsorship where we provide individual solutions for developing “impoverished orphans and widows”. By supporting and uplifting the whole community we ensure that all children are treated equally with the same opportunities to build a future.

Your involvement with Tree of Life is more than a donation; it’s a statement that you believe in the potential of every orphan and widow. Together, we can break the cycle of poverty and provide opportunities that will ripple through generations. Whether through a one-time donation or becoming a regular supporter, your involvement matters. Let’s build a world where compassion reigns and where orphans and widows find the support they need to thrive.

Your Sponsorship is a qualified 501(c)3 tax-deductible charitable donation.

Your generous support…

…changes lives by providing for the poorest of the poor.