Poverty in Numbers

Statistics tell the story. Three billion people live it.

Everyday Life

Poverty in Numbers

Statistics tell the story. Three billion people live it.

Everyday life is what we call going to work, picking up kids at school, stopping at the store, and coming home to eat dinner. But, for billions of people, everyday life is very different from ours. Every day, you walk distances to a well and then to a job that pays for a dirt floor shelter. At home, after a meager dinner, you look at your kids, wishing you had money for them to attend school. That’s the life billions live every day.

8 Billion People Worldwide



Five billion people drank safe drinking water.

Clean water
world health organization


Two and a half billion people drank water contaminated with chemicals and waste.

boys collecting water
world health organization


500 million people drank water from polluted lakes, ponds, and streams.

This dire situation is exactly why building water wells is one of our core initiatives.

people collecting lake water
world health organization

Give a kid a drink of clean water!

Families Strive for Primary Education


In Africa

School supplies cost 200% – 600% of a family’s monthly income.

Children in Zimbabwe classroom.


In The Philippines

School supplies cost 50% of a family’s monthly income.

Hallway of a Philippines school


manila standard logo
In India

School supplies cost 30% of a family’s monthly income.

Children need books, uniforms, and school supplies that TOL fulfills with your generous donations and support.

indian school modern education program.


times of india

Buy kids books, uniforms, and school supplies!

Literacy Results in Higher Incomes


In India

Literacy results in 200% higher incomes.

Indian women reading


times of india

In The Philippines

Literacy results in 40% higher incomes.

Filipino boys reading books


pratham logo

In Africa

Literacy results in 30% higher incomes.

Simply teaching a child to read has the potential to breaks generations of poverty. TOL is committed to bridging this knowledge gap for as many orphans as possible.


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Teach someone to read!

Your generous support…

…changes lives by providing for the poorest of the poor.