Pump Project

Providing At-Risk Communities with Life's Most Vital Resource

TOL Pump Project

In rural areas, people often must travel significant distances to obtain water. Frequently, the water they collect is not fit to drink. One of the most significant and health-creating changes we can make is providing well access to clean water for impoverished communities.

With your community sponsorship and our on-the-ground volunteers, we have built wells in the villages we serve. As a result, with your generous support, we are changing lives by providing a clean, safe water supply.

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TOL Pump Project

In rural areas, people often must travel significant distances to obtain water. Frequently, the water they collect is not fit to drink. One of the most significant and health-creating changes we can make is providing well access to clean water for impoverished communities.

With your community sponsorship and our on-the-ground volunteers, we have built wells in the villages we serve. As a result, with your generous support, we are changing lives by providing a clean, safe water supply.

How We Build a Well

Step 1

First, we choose a building site that ensures ease of access.

Step 2

Next, we find community members who will maintain the well, and teach them how to maximize its lifespan.

Step 3

Once the suitable location has been found, a well is drilled well below the aquifer level.

Step 4

Then, we install a casing to prevent collapse and keep out dirt and debris.

Step 5

Before the village may access water, we use an interim pump to monitor its quality.

Step 6

When water falls within purity limits, we install a hand pump, and instruct all community members in its basic use and maintenance.

Step 7

Everyone is allowed free and local access to clean water.

Step 8

Community members in charge of the well are left with tools and supplies to perfrom any necessary repairs.

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We keep the cost low by using local contractors. The cost to build a quality well includes not only the expense of drilling the well physically but also gives vital mechanical education to villagers. Each well can serve hundreds of people and lasts indefinitely.

Please help us to provide clean water NOW for our sponsored communities.