Donate Now-old-legacy

Your Donation Will Do More Than Feed Hungry Children.

Your Support will Enable Many Lives to Prosper.

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing. – Proverbs 28:27


Monthly Sponsorship

Your monthly give will provide support that serves empowerment, economic self-sufficiency, and accountability.

$40 a month provides:

  • Nutritious food
  • Household support
  • Healthcare
  • School supplies and clothes for multiple children
  • Educational opportunities
  • Vocational Training
  • Table Gardening
  • Mentoring/Tutoring
  • Transportation
  • and many other services

Sponsor a TOL Pump Project

Unleash your impact and join us in bringing clean water to those in need. Your support enables Tree of Life for the World to construct wells in underserved villages. Your generosity transforms lives by providing access to a safe, pure water source. Let’s make a difference together.

tp philippines pump 6

“Water is essential to life. But, when water is unsafe and sanitation non-existent, then water can kill.” – Unicef