Building better lives for orphans and widows in poverty.

Tree of Life provides life-changing help to underserved regions in the Philippines, Kenya and India.

All administrative costs are fully covered by donations to be use for the following:

Education: Stimulating minds with the knowledge and paving pathways to brighter futures.
Healthcare: TOL medical care, ensuring well-being for those in need
Clean Water: Building wells promotes a healthier, cleaner lifestyle today and going forward.
Food: Nourishing lives, one meal at a time, “breaks” the cycle of hunger and food insecurity.

Your contribution provides change. With every dollar, you’re championing education, health, clean water, and support for those who deserve a chance. Join us in this journey of transformation. Give now and make an immediate impact that ripples through generations.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

– James 1:27

Their Stories

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My name is Ailyn, and this is my story—a story of loss, struggle, and hope.

Before I was even born, my life was marked by abandonment. My father left my mother while I was still in her womb, disappearing like a shadow at dawn. My mother, a resilient and loving woman, never let his absence break her spirit. She worked tirelessly as a laborer on a farm, her hands toughened by toil, her heart softened by love.

Growing up, our life was far from easy. The farm work was grueling, and we barely scraped by. Yet, my mother’s unwavering strength and gentle care made every hardship bearable. She was my world, and I was hers.

But when the COVID-19 pandemic swept through our village, everything changed. My mother fell ill with tuberculosis, a relentless disease that wore her down day by day. Despite her suffering, she never stopped worrying about my future. She knew her time was limited, and as her condition worsened, she reached out to Tree of Life, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping those in need.

On her deathbed, she pleaded with the Tree of Life volunteers to look after me. Her final wish was for me to have a chance at a better life, a life she could no longer provide. When she passed away, I was left alone in the world, a thirteen-year-old girl with nothing but memories and a heart full of grief.

Tree of Life became my sanctuary. They took me in, providing not only food and shelter but also education assistance. They ensured that I could continue my studies, giving me the tools to build a future my mother would be proud of. The volunteers became my family, offering me the love and support I had lost.

Now, as a junior high school student, I face each day with a renewed sense of purpose. I study hard, knowing that education is my path to a brighter future. I hold onto the hope my mother instilled in me, her voice a gentle whisper in my mind, urging me to persevere.

Tree of Life has given me more than just physical sustenance; they have given me hope. They have shown me that even in the darkest times, there is light. Their kindness and generosity have been a testament to the power of community and faith.

To those who read my story, I ask not for pity, but for your support in whatever form you can give. Tree of Life relies on the generosity of kind-hearted individuals to continue their mission. By supporting them, you are not just providing for my needs but helping countless others who face similar struggles.

In the spirit of compassion and faith, I invite you to consider contributing to Tree of Life. Your support is a beacon of hope, a reminder that we are all connected by the bonds of humanity and love. Through your generosity, we can transform lives and fulfill the divine call to care for one another.

May you be blessed for your kindness, and may your hearts be filled with the same hope and love that has carried me through my darkest days.

Thank you.

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I remember the day my father left us as if it happened yesterday. I was only three years old, and though my memories are faint, I can still feel the void his absence created in our lives. Growing up in a small village, life was already challenging, but without my father, it became even harder. My mother, a strong and resilient woman, took on the immense burden of raising three boys on her own. She worked tirelessly on the farm from dawn till dusk, her hands calloused from labor, yet she never complained. Her only goal was to ensure that we, her sons, had a chance at a better life.

As the oldest, I felt a deep sense of responsibility towards my family. My two younger brothers looked up to me, and I wanted to set an example for them. Despite our hardships, my mother always emphasized the importance of education. She believed that education was the key to breaking the cycle of poverty that had ensnared our family for generations.

Balancing school and helping on the farm was not easy. Many nights, I studied by the dim light of a kerosene lamp after a long day of working the fields. I often felt the weight of our circumstances pressing down on me, but I was determined to succeed, not just for myself, but for my family. I wanted to make my mother proud and give my brothers hope for a brighter future.

When I graduated from high school, I faced a new challenge: how to afford college. I had always dreamed of becoming a teacher, of imparting knowledge and inspiring children in the same way my teachers had inspired me. But the cost of college seemed insurmountable. Just when I thought my dream might slip away, a beacon of hope appeared in the form of Tree of Life.

Tree of Life is an organization dedicated to helping families like mine. They provided me with educational assistance, which covered my tuition fees and allowed me to focus on my studies without the constant worry of financial strain. But their support did not stop there. They also provided my family with food packs and sacks of rice, easing the burden on my mother and ensuring that my brothers did not go hungry.

Their support was especially crucial during the COVID-19 community lockdown period. With the pandemic crippling the economy and making it even harder for my mother to earn a living, Tree of Life stepped in once again. They provided us with essential supplies and continued their financial support, ensuring that my education could continue uninterrupted and that my family remained nourished and healthy during those difficult times. When face-to-face education shifted to online learning, Tree of Life provided me with a laptop, enabling me to keep up with my studies and stay connected with my professors and classmates.

With the help of Tree of Life, I graduated with a degree in education. Standing on that stage, holding my diploma, was one of the proudest moments of my life. It was not just a personal victory, but a triumph for my entire family. My mother’s tears of joy and my brothers’ cheers echoed the significance of that achievement.

Today, I am a teacher. I stand before my students every day, reminded of my journey and the importance of giving back. I strive to be the kind of teacher who can make a difference in their lives, just as Tree of Life made a difference in mine.

Tree of Life’s generosity changed the course of my life and provided my family with the stability we so desperately needed. But there are many more families out there who need help. Your donations can provide children with the education they deserve and families with the food security they need. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact.

Please consider donating to Tree of Life. Together, we can create more success stories like mine and help lift families out of poverty, giving them the tools they need to build a better future. Thank you for your support and for believing in the power of education and compassion.


Juliet’s father died of tuberculosis, leaving her and her elderly mother to work a small farm. Work on the farm didn’t leave Juliet much time for school. Tree of Life for the World installed a clean water well in her village, cutting down on the daily walk for water, and leaving Juliet with more time for school. With perseverance and help from TOL, she was accepted into college and recently graduated with a degree in social work.

“He defends the cause of the orphan and widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.” Deuteronomy 10:18

“If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?” – James 2:15-16

Helping Kids Go to School

Many families face a high barrier to educating their children. Primary education has a dress code that is strictly enforced. These factors contribute to hardship experienced by children like Benter, Sheila, Salphine, and Mawia from Tassia, Nairobi, who were deprived of a consistent childhood education. However, TOL supports and assists “our” children like Benter by providing them with everything they require to attend school daily.

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Bento's Letter
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Salphine's Letter
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Mawia's Letter

Courageous Widows

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Jocelyn, a resilient and compassionate 70-year-old widower, has spent her life exemplifying the virtues of selflessness and perseverance. Living in a modest home on the outskirts of a small village, Jocelyn’s life took a significant turn when she decided to adopt six orphaned children, opening her heart and home to Ilyn, Anna Rose, April, Rochelle, Prince, and Annabelle.

Jocelyn’s adopted children came to her through various poignant circumstances. Ilyn and April were both abandoned by their parents, left in Jocelyn’s care with little more than hope for a better future. Anna Rose, Rochelle, and Prince were found on her doorstep, each of them needing a home and someone to love them. Annabelle’s arrival was the most extraordinary—she was found floating in the sea, miraculously alive and in need of love and shelter. Jocelyn took them all in without hesitation, driven by an immense capacity for love and kindness.

To provide for her family, Jocelyn engages in the buying and selling of fruits. Every morning, she makes her way to the farmers’ market, where she carefully selects the freshest and best-quality fruits. She then brings these fruits back to her village, setting up a small stand to sell them to the locals. Despite the hard work and long hours, the income from this trade is hardly enough to sustain their daily needs. However, Jocelyn’s unwavering spirit and the help of her adopted children keep them going.

The children, understanding the financial constraints and their grandmother’s tireless efforts, contribute in any way they can. After school, they assist Jocelyn in sorting, packaging, and selling the fruits at their village stand. The older ones, Ilyn and Anna Rose, balance their studies with their responsibilities, displaying maturity beyond their years. Rochelle and Prince, though younger, eagerly help in whatever small ways they can, learning the values of hard work and family support.

In the community, Jocelyn is respected and admired for her unwavering dedication and kindness. Neighbors often lend a helping hand, offering support in small but meaningful ways. Tree of Life has also played a crucial role in supporting Jocelyn and her family. Tree of Life has provided Jocelyn with additional food supplies, medical assistance for April, and educational materials for the children. The organization’s volunteers have helped Jocelyn expand her fruit business by connecting her with more lucrative markets and offering tools and resources to improve her sales.

Jocelyn’s life is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of love. Her dedication to her adopted children, despite the financial hardships and personal sacrifices, is a beacon of hope and inspiration. She dreams of a better future for her children, where they can pursue their education and have opportunities that were not available to her.

As Jocelyn continues to navigate the challenges of her life, her enduring spirit and the close-knit bond she shares with her children remain her greatest strengths. Together, they face each day with hope, resilience, and an unbreakable bond of love.

TOL Blog

We work at the local level to measure outcomes and create best practices for continual improvement. Developing clean water resources is a priority. We never lose sight of the individual and work on a personal level, developing results based on individual needs. See our latest projects.

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