Administrative costs are paid.
A generous endowment means 100% of your gift goes directly to:
  • food
  • clean water
  • healthcare
  • education
for orphans and widows

Their Stories

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Ailyn’s father passed away before she was born and her mother died of COVID. Tree of Life for the World found her a loving home and helped her access food and healthcare. We kept her in school and covered her educational expenses, uniforms, and supplies. She lives in a rural village where clean water pumps are few and far between. Her village received a TOL Pump Project grant which paid for the installation of a clean pump near the village center.

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Kim’s father abandoned his family when his mother was pregnant with his youngest brother. He is the oldest of three siblings and recently graduated from college with a teaching degree with assistance from Tree of Life for the World. His educational achievement was all the more an amazing considering his circumstances. A few years earlier, his mom and siblings lost their home to urban renewal. Tree of Life for the World built them a modest home and installed solar lighting so the three brothers could do their homework. Kim’s brother will be starting college next semester.


Juliet’s father died of tuberculosis, leaving her and her elderly mother to work a small farm. Work on the farm didn’t leave Juliet much time for school. Tree of Life for the World installed a clean water well in her village, cutting down on the daily walk for water, and leaving Juliet with more time for school. With perseverance and help from TOL, she was accepted into college and recently graduated with a degree in social work.

Helping Kids Go to School

Many families face a high barrier to educating their children. Primary education comes with tuition and dress codes that are strictly enforced. These factors contribute to the hardship experienced by children like Benter, Sheila, Salphine, and Mawia from Tassia, Nairobi, who are deprived of a consistent childhood education. However, organizations such as ToL aim to support and assist thousands of children like Benter by providing them with everything they require to attend school daily.

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Bento's Letter
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Salphine's Letter
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Mawia's Letter

Serving Widows


One courageous widow in her 70s was found caring for seven orphaned children. Their modest house had seen better days, offering little protection from the elements. She sold fruits on the street to make ends meet for her newfound family. However, life was far from easy. Thieves often stole her meager food supplies, which added another layer of hardship when heavy rain poured. TOL has sponsored Philippa and the children, offering hope and faith to overcome their challenges. Through acts of compassion and continued support, we can carry on doing God’s work and make a lasting difference in the lives of those in need.

Tree of Life for the World’s administrative costs are paid by a generous endowment. Your entire donation will go directly to client services.

Latest Projects & News

We work at the local level to measure outcomes and create best practices for continual improvement. Developing clean water resources is a priority. We never lose sight of the individual and work on a personal level, developing results based on individual needs. See our latest projects.