Healthcare Aid

We Provide Critical Healthcare Services to Orphans and Widows

Health services for mothers and children in the poorest households of emerging countries are chronically underserved. In addition, pre-natal and post-natal child health services are shockingly inadequate. As followers of Jesus Christ, our purpose is to bridge the gap between poverty and quality care.

Orphans tend to be at particular risk for malnutrition. They have less education, poor access to health services, and live in substandard conditions. These children will grow up in a cycle of poverty and poor health outcomes in these circumstances.

Rural Children Are Least Likely to Receive Needed Healthcare

Pandemic Changes

The pandemic has heightened economic and social insecurity among these poorest communities. COVID’s effect will impact children’s health due to pandemic care priorities and long-term exposure to stress. The COVID-19 pandemic is worsening inequalities in health outcomes among vulnerable populations.

Lack of Rural Healthcare

We provide treatment and protection from diseases like pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhea. Many rural areas have a limited number of health care providers, particularly female providers. Access to mental health providers and services is also scarce and expensive. The availability of specialists like obstetricians, pediatricians, and oncologists is almost non-existent in nonmetropolitan areas.

doctor meet african child

Give Generously

The need is huge. According to a UNICEF study, over thirteen thousand children die daily from treatable diseases. Imagine that many children dying from preventable diseases. It’s not easy. Thirteen thousand children dying is a statistic, something impossible to visualize. One child dying is a tragedy. Imagine one child dead from preventable disease, the child’s lifeless body in a makeshift clinic’s bed, or at home on a dirt floor. This happens thirteen thousand times a day.

The delivery of health services in rural and remote areas is only possible with your donations. Your money goes to the following:

  • Overcoming transportation and communication difficulties
  • Building, repairing, or refurbishing clinics
  • Offsetting medication shortages
  • Attracting healthcare professionals to rural areas

Our assistance often creates the first regular healthcare access for many rural communities. Please give generously.

stethoscope exam of african little girl

Your generous support…

…changes lives by providing for the poorest of the poor.