Educational Assistance

Tree Of Life Provides Access to Education for Orphans in Emerging Countries.

Education is crucial in helping children break out of hopeless desperation and into a life with hope.

Many orphans in developing countries cannot attend school because of poverty, conflict, and other challenges. The barriers they face are daunting. Often, a child has to have a uniform and shoes to be allowed to attend school. The problem is that money to buy the uniforms and shoes isn’t available from their families, further increasing the spiral of poverty for future generations.

Going Beyond Basic Skills

Many must begin work at a young age to support their widowed mothers and younger siblings. They will miss learning basic skills to function and live productive lives. Tree of Life supports giving children access to effective academic and vocational education, which will allow them to break out of generational poverty. Without basic education, later vocational training becomes unlikely. Instead, a young man’s employment might be as pedicab driver. These vehicles are made out of rebar which collapses with the minimal impact. Fatal accidents and serious injuries are frequent. Young women without education and sometimes dire financial circumstances are often coerced by circumstances into prostitution.

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Education is Poverty’s Solution

Increasing children’s skills has a strong ripple effect on future prosperity. Workplace skills are necessary for a trained workforce. Students from impoverished areas need to acquire these skills to improve their economic prospects and well-being.

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Our Approach

Tree of Life focuses on children and lifts communities through education, enabling young people to gain literacy, opening up economic opportunities. This is a critical step to transforming economies.

Tree of Life accepts that we have a spiritual responsibility to obey God’s will to help the world’s poor. It’s often easy to think in the abstract. All of these poor are distinct individuals with hopes and dreams like yours. Being on the ground with widows, orphans, and members of affected communities is a life-changing experience.

We provide high-quality preschool through high-school education, and sometimes college. Additionally, TOL supports vocational training. In addition, we ensure books, supplies, educational toys, and any other aids at our disposal to sustain children in school. We give a hand up, not a handout. In addition, we empower their parents and hope to raise a generation of generous Christians empowered with skills that take their families and communities to a prosperous tomorrow.

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Give Generously

Invest in children’s education and create a bright future for communities struggling today. At Tree of Life, we do everything necessary to give children good schools in areas where obstacles restrict access. We repair poorly maintained school buildings and provide supplies, books, and technology to children and teachers in these areas. We also offer scholarships and mentorship programs to give these kids the necessary resources to succeed.

We would be very grateful for your one-time or monthly support. Lack of education is a reality for children in emerging nations. Your donations work to break the cycle of poverty by creating lasting change in the world’s poorest communities.

Your generous support…

…changes lives by providing for the poorest of the poor.